Title:- American Badger 2021
Directors:- Kirk Caouette
Writers:- Kirk Caouette
Cast:- Kirk Caouette, Andrea Stefancikova, Michael Kopsa
Genre:- Film 2021 | Action
Rating:- 3.4/10
The movie is about Dean who goes by the name Badger given by his ex-wife before her death. Recently, he is assigned to befriend the call girl of an Albanian gang to uncover their secrets. He followed the instructions and makes her a friend. But when their friendship is converted into an unlikely romance, the Badger finds himself trapped from all the areas. As his Handler reminds him that he has to kill the girl and Vasily community. But as the Badgers are very caring about the things they love. He provided the girl with a lot of confidence and freedom that was not expected by anyone. Watching Hollywood movies online is now very easy and free, you can stream all of them on your laptops by browsing the HDEuropix website on it.
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