Title:- Hero Dog The Journey Home 2021
Directors:- Richard Boddington
Writers:- Richard Boddington, Richard Clark
Cast:- Steve Byers, Zackary Arthur, Donovan Brown
Genre:- Film 2021 | Adventure
Rating:- 5.6/10
Hero Dog: The Journey Home (2021). Royce Davis (Steve Byers) acts as a blind man, who is going back home by boat. Suddenly the captain of the boat falls ill. Then he finds help, by a dog in the Chinook, a brave malamute doggo, to serve as his seeing-eye dog as they navigate the wilderness. Watch the full movie about how chinook protects Royce from treacherous rapids, jagged rocks, and savage mountain lions. EuropixHD Online Hollywood Movies streaming platform is now gets updated with new movies for you, enjoy many earlier published movies also.